East Midlands Steam and Country Show 2025



1)      Application for space. 

Completion of an application does not guarantee space or acceptance. Photographs of work and stand are required from new exhibitors to us. At the time of application.

2)      Insurance.

All stands must have Public Liability Insurance of not less than £5,000,000 per single claim. If you have problems we can help obtain cover.

3)      Legal Requirements.

It is the responsibility of all craft workers to comply with current legislation.

4)      Cancellation.

Anyone wishing to cancel their application up to four weeks before an event will forfeit their £10.00 deposit. Less than four weeks before the event the full rent will be payable. In the event of the show being curtailed or cancelled and we are still required to pay for the event, no money will be refunded against that event.

5)      Installation.

All electrical equipment must conform to current electrical regulations.  Craft workers must not interfere with electrical installations provided by the organisers. Generators are not allowed. Electricity usage must not exceed 200 watts, without permission. No Halogen flood lights or kettles may be used. No craft worker will be permitted to place any item or structure so that any part projects beyond the limit of their allocated space.

6)      Setting up and Clearance.

All vehicles must be removed to the exhibitor’s car park immediately after unloading. All craft stands must be fully set up and manned between the open hours of the event. No dismantlement of craft stands prior to the closing of the event.

7)      Sub—letting.  

Under no circumstances can a craft space be sub—let without prior permission from the organiser.

8)      Demonstration Space (When available).

Demonstration space is provided for demonstrations only. In the event of goods being offered for sale in this area full rent will be charged.

9)      Failure to arrive.

Any craft worker failing to arrive without good reason before the start of the event will forfeit their space and all monies paid. Any amounts still owing will fall due immediately plus an administration charge of £10.00.

10)   Reserves.

The organisers reserve the right to remove any item from your stand which is deemed not to be craft or have not been disclosed on your application form.

11)   Loss and damages.

The organisers will not be held responsible for loss or damage to stands, any equipment brought to the show, stock or persons however caused. Craft workers agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Organisers or helpers, from any claim for loss or damage, personal injury or death, however caused by their equipment or presence at the event. Also Craft workers agree to pay the organisers £25.00 each time a cheque is returned unpaid.

12)   Alterations, Exceptions, Wavers and Consent. The organisers reserve the right to vary these rules and regulations. Any changes, amendments or additions will be notified in writing (or displayed on this web site) to all craft workers at the earliest opportunity. In the event of any dispute the organiser’s word shall be final.


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